
United Way President and CEO Dr. Kenneth S. Robinson is the keynote speaker at this year’s Leadership Memphis Multicultural Breakfast presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, International Paper Company, and FedEx.

The breakfast will be held at The University of Memphis Holiday Inn (3700 Central Ave) on Wednesday, October 26, 2016.  Registration and additional information are available at the Leadership Memphis website.

Dr. Robinson’s presentation is entitled “Many Voices, One Choir!” Robinson will speak about the importance of working together to address community problems:

The sheer magnitude of the issues facing us in Memphis, such as pervasive poverty, suggests that individual groups, programs, agencies or sectors – acting independently – cannot have the impact we all seek to effect. Rather than soloists or homogeneous choral sections, we need a choir. The consequences of continued polarization, geopolitical separation, and parochial in-fighting are significant. We must seek a spirit of collaboration, co-laboring and consensus building. Our challenge is to overcome the racial, ethnic, cultural, political and professional barriers and turf issues that divide us, and to pursue the common goals that connect us; to come together and sing “one song” – many voices, one choir!